Actinic Payments – one of the best Actinic PSP option?

Are you using Actinic?

Do you have a PCI DSS Compliant Payment Service Provider?

If you are one of many Actinic ecommerce website merchants who do not currently use a Payment Service provider (PSP) then we recommend you read this case study to find out why you should. Put simply, using a PSP can protect your online business from bank charges and fraudulent transactions.

Which PSP to choose?

There is a minefield of choice when it comes to PSP’s. Each with their own different features, benefits and most importantly different pricing structures. Only one PSP however offers a dynamic, efficient and streamlined integration directly into the Actinic software:

Actinic Payments offers the best features for Actinic merchants. Since it’s most recent upgrades and relaunch the Actinic Payments platform, provided by CreditCall, has taken huge strides forward in becoming a serious competitor in the PSP market.

Simply Email or call teclan today and we can set you up with Actinic Payments today!
Call 01463 898043 or Contact us via our online form


Easy to use and set up
  • All you need is a merchant account number, then just follow the simple set up instructions and you’re ready to go.
  • Competitively priced with packages available from £100 per annum or £20 per month
Unique, time saving functionality for Actinic users
  • Refund, void, commit pre-authorised payments and take additional payments without needing a virtual terminal
  • Take mail or telephone (MOTO) orders without going to a virtual terminal
Highly secure with sophisticated fraud screening
  • Full PCI-DSS Level 1 compliance
  • Sophisticated fraud screening enabled through The 3rd Man, 3D Secure, CVV2 and AVS
  • Powered by robust and reliable infrastructure, carrying millions of transactions per month with 99.998% up-time since 2005

Actinic Payments offers a unique way for Actinic users to process and handle their credit card transactions online and directly through their ecommerce software.