
Altering Google search results for the region you need.

Google searches now show results specifically from the region you are in. When performing Search Engine Optimisation I often use the various Google country Top Level Domains for searching. For example, if I want to search how a site is performing in Australia,  I will use; for New Zealand I will use and …

Altering Google search results for the region you need. Read More »

Search Engine Results and E-Commerce: is the dream coming to a end?

Having worked at the sharp end of developing e-commerce practices for over 15 years, I have witnessed the changing relationship Google, Bing, Yahoo et al have had with businesses trying to make a living selling goods online. Here’s a short tale giving some insight into what has happened, and more importantly, where things are going …

Search Engine Results and E-Commerce: is the dream coming to a end? Read More »

Google game change presents an opportunity for the best prepared

Google have just launched “Google Instant”, a new predictive method of finding search results. Currently this is only available on the domain or on other domains e.g. whilst logged into your Google account. Usually when Google make a change people tend to hold onto the desk fearing another “Florida update” (the now almost …

Google game change presents an opportunity for the best prepared Read More »