teclan newsletter Issue 13 – April 2008

Spring is here and we are all hoping for the beginnings of a successful and profitable spring and summer for internet retailing. We hope that some of the following information will be beneficial to you and help you in achieving this goal.

* Actinic :: V9 released :: what are the features and benefits
* teclan :: tecmail V2 email marketing system :: new product released
* Legislation :: PCI DSS compliance :: more information on this important change
* teclan :: Developments in progress :: teclan open the lid on works in progress
* teclan :: Actinic themes :: teclan’s Actinic Themes are V9 compliant
* Internet Retail :: BT Yahoo email issues :: are you affected?
* Internet Retail :: Mobile revolution :: does the phone spell trouble for your internet retail site?
* Internet Retail :: HSBC outage :: even the large PSP corporations are having serious problems

Actinic V9 released: (read more)
Actinic have finally released their new version 9 of the award winning ecommerce software. V9 heralds more performance and usability improvements over new, “wow factor” developments with their software. The keywords for this release would be: Stability, reliability, performance, design.


tecmail – email marketing system: (read more)
teclan are delighted to announce the release of tecmail V2 – Email Marketing System. Version 2 addresses and improves upon many issues in Version 1.
– Improved Email design template functionality
– Improved customer/subscription management
– Improved Email address data management
– Enhanced email marketing performance reporting
Read more and download a demo version here:

PCI Compliance: (read more)
PCI DSS Compliance continues to gain more and more press and coverage. Streamline have released some information to all streamline users in the form of a leaflet regarding the need for PCI DSS compliance.

They state:
“PCI DSS is a joint development by VISA and MasterCard, fully supported by The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group, and together we urge you to comply as soon as you can. Please be aware that failure to comply could mean at best, fines from the card schemes and at worst, fines for breach of data so it is imperative that you understand what you need to do to protect your business.”

They recommend 2 routes for businesses:
1. Completing an audit whereby a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) conducts an onsite audit
2. Complete a self assessment questionnaire

Development: (read more)
As part of our ongoing development to continually deliver and provide the best products to our customers we would like to notify you of some upcoming releases that are currently in development.
These are products and tools that teclan are developing which are aimed at provided added benefit and functionality to all of teclan’s customers

ActSync Order tracking from teclan (for Actinic customers):
An realtime order tracking and customer order information system.

TASK for Actinic V2:
The next generation of Actinic plug-in tools.

teclan.com – teclan will be shortly launching our new and improved website offering better features and functionality for our customers and partners. Watch this space for more details.

BT Yahoo Email issues: (read more)

Any users who currently utilise BT Yahoo as their ISP and email provider may well have been experiencing problems. This is due to a security upgrade by BT on their email accounts. You can read more here:

iPhone: Web browsing revolution: (read more)
With the introduction of new mobile devices like the iTouch, the N95 from nokia and particularly the iPhone from Apple more and more people are browsing and using the internet using smaller and smaller browsing devices. This sets challenge for existing websites to deliver content that will not cause problems for these browsers. The days of creating a WAP enabled website along side your existing web service are diminishing.

HSBC outage: (read more)
With the recent outrage over the latest HSBC PSP problems it has highlighted that 100% is not guaranteed in the world of payment service providers which is why we would advocate looking at a second, backup option for collecting and processing online payments.
With PCI compliance becoming ever more of an issue, utilising PCI compliant PSP’s will be more and more likely and therefore more reliance will be placed on these services, hence the need to ensure maximum stability and reliability. The 3 main PSP’s that we would look to recommend would be WorldPay, PROTX and Secure Trading.
Please contact any of the teclan team for more information on this issue.
Read more about the HSBC crash here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/03/31/hsbc_epayments_badness/