From last couple of years, the Social Media is becoming more and more prominent in the marketing mix. There are many social media sites and it can make one feel overwhelmed. There are some which have more power than others, Twitter being one of them.
Twitter is becoming a very effective platform for getting engaged with your target audience. Below are some of the key benefits of using Twitter for businesses:
1..Engage with your target audience
2..Provide Customer Service
3.. Promote your Products / new products/ product launches
4..Protect your brand & market your brand
5..Follow industry leaders and keep your knowledge up to date
There are several resources available which give you a lot of information about how to use Twitter, Twitter etiquettes, useful Formats & twitter tools.
The other advantage of using Twitter is your tweets may appear in Google’s Real Time search results, giving you more exposure in Universal Search Results. You can also link your Tweets to your content or the content that you like, now although these links are not passing any link advantage, it still helps with SEO in some ways.
One of the great features of Twitter is “retweeting”.
This is a great way to share information, pass it on to your followers.
What’s a Retweet? Well if you like someone elses Tweet and you would like to share it with your followers, then you would retweet it!
How to Retweet
Here is the format of a Retweet – RT @teclantweet “here is the tweet text, or via @teclantweet
The RT obviously stands for “retweet” and lets your followers know that the following is someone else’s content. Next you put their username with the @ so that you link back to their profile and give proper credit. This is one of the very important etiquettes that you must follow.
The Advantages of Retweeting
Retweeting is not only a nice thing for you to do, it may also increase your follower count. Retweeting puts your username in other peoples Twitter streams. The more you retweet others the more likely someone will retweet your content. Once your content is retweeted by someone else, you get more exposure as they will have followers who do not follow you.
What do I do now?
You can start by simply following teclan today.
What do I get?
We post “Twitter only” offers and discounts to our followers which you will gain access to. We also use Twitter as the first port of call to broadcast important information about everything ecommerce related.
What else do I get?
By following teclan you will also get teclan following you. We will also retweet at least one of your tweets to our growing twitter network thereby increasing the exposure of your twitter profile immediately.