SellerDeck 16.0.1 Patch Released

The latest patch for SellerDeck 2016 has been released. You can download the software here and we have detailed some of the bug fixes and changes below.

  1. Warning added about unsent emails when closing SellerDeck, SD-2340
  2. Digital Download links no longer missing from HTML emails, SD-2589
  3. Fixed an issue that could cause a crash on importing a snapshot with prices displayed in two currencies, SD-2748
  4. New Google Product Feed meeting current general requirements, SD-2775
  5. Updated the ‘textarea’ solution in the Advanced User Guide, SD-2939
  6. Design snapshot import now allows for empty layout value on user defined layout selectors, SD-3285
  7. Fixed an issue that could cause a SQL Syntax error when importing content into a SQL Server site, SD-3306
  8. Product Page name no longer changes if the Product Reference is changed, SD-3621
  9. Improved detection of invalid snapshots to prevent crashing on import, SD-3686
  10. Fixed a crash caused by excessively high IDs for user defined variables, SD-4554
  11. Filters are now able to respect stock outages in real time, SD-4741
  12. Fixed an insecure resource error when loading filtering pages on a secure site, SD-5040
  13. Fixed a crash that could occur on preview after export or on startup, SD-5072
  14. Duplicate entries for Barcode/SKU field are now disallowed, SD-5157
  15. Corrected double closing quotes for Open Graph ‘Description’ tags in Brochure pages, SD-5187
  16. Small images on extended information pages are no longer over-enlarged, SD-5294
  17. The HeadingFontFamily variable is no longer included in the Google Product Feed, SD-5336
  18. Fallback payment method setting is now selected by default in the checkout, SD-5389
  19. Pinterest integration now works for images in local subfolders, SD-5406
  20. The Advanced User Guide method ‘Displaying Shipping Options as Radio Buttons’ now works with responsive designs, SD-5430
  21. Added a margin between the mega menu and login page content in the Smart Theme , SD-5439
  22. Anchor tags now work correctly from site search results for products without product pages, SD-5449
  23. Corrected a design problem with the ‘Terms and Conditions’ check box and label on the PayPal Pro Order Confirmation Page, SD-5465
  24. Method for generating and uploading a file from a layout was added to the Advanced User Guide,SD-5515
  25. Increased the spacing between product prompt boxes in Firefox, SD-5655
  26. Product and Section image maximum width settings below site level are now properly observed, SD-5656
  27. Corrected the alignment of filtering check boxes and labels in the Classic theme, SD-5685
  28. Digital Download confirmation email is now sent for orders paid using Sage Pay v3, SD-5733
  29. Modified the checkout behaviour to prevent clicking twice on the confirmation button, SD-5755
  30. Section image maximum width setting is now correctly followed in Smart theme when shopping mode set to ‘Quantity in Shopping Cart’, SD-5768
  31. Unapplied changes to products are no longer lost following a stock synchronization, SD-5805
  32. Section images are now responsive at all screen widths, SD-5859
  33. Fixed a problem that caused carousels to fail in section pages, SD-5884
  34. Resolved an issue that could cause a crash while resetting the New Order form, SD-5922
  35. Fixed an issue that could cause a crash on upload following a site import, SD-5945
  36. Associated prices from hidden sections are no longer ignored, SD-5967
  37. Enabled users to remove screenshots from crash reports and added a warning message, SD-5993, SD-6053
  38. Fixed a Perl script security vulnerability with unsanitized request strings, SD-6064
  39. Corrected a problem that caused goal tracking to fail with Google Universal Analytics, SD-6066
  40. Fixed an issue that could cause SellerDeck tags to be indexed and appear in search results, SD-6068
  41. Increased the size limit for the Shipping User Definable Prompt field (Special Delivery Instructions) in the New Order form, SD-6080
  42. Fixed a problem in filtering that could cause filter options to appear without counts and filter check boxes to disappear, SD-6176
  43. Added a variable for the product Barcode/SKU field, enabling it to be used in layouts, SD-6186
  44. Resolved a problem with the Sage Pay v3 notification handling, PSP-553
  45. Sage Pay Authentication now correctly sets the Pre-Authorise flag, PSP-554
  46. Fixed an issue that could cause an incomplete subject line in Order Shipped emails, SD-1713

With this latest update it’s now a good time to upgrade. teclan have been using the SellerDeck (Actinic) Shopping Cart since 1999 and are Award Winning Ecommerce Responsive Designers. Contact us today on  01463 898 043 to discover how we can grow your business!