We want to help you sell more products online, increase your customer conversions, beat your competitors and grow your business.
351 days till Christmas!
It’s getting closer and the countdown has begun!
Greenwich Meantime Christmas Countdown
Do you want a Christmas countdown installed on your web retail site?
Does your site need a Christmas makeover?
teclan want to demonstrate the benefits of implementing seasonal web effects and features into a live trading website to assist with the seasonal sales. We will be shortly picking a shortlist of applicants to undergo this process in the lead up to Christmas.
Click here to apply now!
New Actinic Plugins available online
We are pleased to announce that teclan have added more plugins to the hugely popular free plugins pages.
These plugins are designed to improve and add functionality to your store by adding non standard features to Actinic.
The new plugins are now live and we will be adding more in the coming weeks.
Two-thirds of UK homes now online.
Almost 16.5 million households in the UK now have internet access, an increase of 1.2 million since 2007, the latest official figures show.
Read more about this and what it means to your market growth.
(read more)
Important dates for online retailers
It is important to make sure that internet retailers are able to act and react effectively to key seasonal dates and events.
Following is a list of upcoming dates for you to review:
– 22nd Sept: First day of Autumn
– 26th Oct: Clocks go ‘back’ one hour.
– 28th Oct : British Summer Time Ends
– 31st Oct: Halloween
– 5th Nov: Bonfire Night
– 30th Nov: St Andrews Day
– 25th Dec: Christmas Day