Time for a Christmas clean of your website’s backlink profile


Previously penalised websites may be banned forever from Google results if they’re found to be violating Google guidelines.

The Google Webmaster Blog released a post recently (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/), where they mentioned that if a website previously penalised for bad or spammy linking practices is found to be violating the Google Webmaster Guidelines again, it might be banned completely from the Google search results.

This applies to websites that have received a ‘Manual’ penalty. According to the Blog post, Google have found many incidents where, after a successful reconsideration request, some websites revert back to their black hat SEO techniques, thus spamming the Google search results. This is precisely what Google does not want and will crack down upon.

So what to do if your site had been previously been penalised but have successfully managed to revoke the Google penalty:

  • Don’t engage in similar activities that got your website penalised in the first place
  • Monitor your site’s backlink profile carefully and regularly. Use your Google Webmaster Tools/Google Search Console backlink reports
  • Keep a close eye on any newly acquired links
  • If you spot any spammy links, try to remove them
  • If you are not successful in removing them, use the ‘disavow’ tool to disavow these unwanted links
  • Focus on creating good useful content on the site. Engage in Social Media and try generating good quality links to the site

Through our digital marketing SEO campaigns we look after this. We regularly monitor the backlink profiles, review the newly acquired links and take the necessary actions. If you are in this situation, just follow the above steps. If you’re not sure about anything, please give us a call.