Innovations for advertising in a mobile-first world

Some of the big changes announced at the Google Summit in May have now gone live.

Google Search Results on mobileGoogle announced a completely new ad platform to help consumers and marketers succeed in the mobile-first world, including expanded text ads which are now rolling out in AdWords to advertisers around the world.

Google earlier removed right-hand side ads in order to improve people’s search experience and make it consistent across mobile, desktop and tablet. This helped pave the way for the biggest update since AdWords was introduced more than 15 years ago.

Expanded text ads are optimized for the screen sizes of the most popular smartphones and feature two headlines, each with 30 characters, and one long 80-character description line. That’s nearly 50% more ad text to highlight your products and services.

Research shows longer ad headlines are more useful to mobile users because they provide additional information about your business before they click your ad.

teclan are Google Partners and manage over £350,000 of ad spend a year for our clients. They also have access to our expertise on a daily basis, along with a vast array of other digital marketing channels. Contact us today on  01463 898 043 to discover how we can grow your business!

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